Beach Life
.:Tm:.Creation “Life is Beach” Blanket on rocks TS11
Exclusive for Shiny Shabby (open July 20th @ 12 pm slt to August 15th, 2020)
10% Discount
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after end event
.:Tm:.Creation “Lively flowers in rocks” Garden Arrangement GM46
Exclusive for Tres Chic Event (Open 17th July, 12pm SLT to 10th August 2020)
10% Discount
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after end event
Additionally from .:Tm:.Creation @ mainstore
The Beach Rocks Barrier TR01
[The SandCastle] Beach scene ADT anims
In-World Store
|T|L|C| Animated Animals
Stilt Sandpiper [ Adult 1]
Stilt Sandpiper [ Adult 2]
Stilt Sandpiper [Breeding]
Stilt Sandpiper [Juvenile]
I used the plants only from TLC Stilt Sandpiper Landscape
In-World Store
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