Hallow’s Bumper

Scarlet Creative Hallows Bumper Set is from this past weekend, The Saturday Sale. Be sure to check the weekend sales for great deal here!
3 Houses at 75L each all freshly repainted.
1. Alexander Manor (Dark/Hallows)
2. Alexander Manor (Light/Stone)
3. LoveCraft Gothic
#3 LoveCraft Gothic is displayed in my image
Furniture fatback for 199L featured in the Alexander Hallows Manor. Displayed in my image from the furniture pack is
Scarlet Creative Hallows Pumpkin Lantern
Scarlet Creative Oscar the Dog Red Eye Statue
In-World Store
Dreamland Designs at mainstore
DD Mystical Autumn Scene
DD Shabby Metal Lantern Set
In-World Store
Falling For Pumpkins, 75L each also from this past weekend Saturday Sale
In-World Store
For a limited time my scene is at Old Town, Adagio Gardens
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