Lost Time

Exactly how I’m feeling with Lost Time. Here in Southern California, when the Santa Ana’s blow the power companies shut down grids in fear of causing wild fires. Understandably so, but we can not go without power for weeks as sometimes the winds keep blowing and blowing.
Luckily it was only 24 hours this time for me, but wow, we are so used to the luxury of having electricity that I feel indeed, I lost some time, albeit, I did have more conversations with my adult children. πŸ˜€

.:Tm:.Creation “Wherever with you” Pillows with decors and anims. B34
Exclusive for Shiny Shabby (open October 20th @ 12 pm slt to November 15th, 2020)
10% Discount
Available in .:Tm:.CreationΒ store after end event

Additionally from .:Tm:.Creation
From “GP32 Pots with ficus plant 3 types”:
~GP32 Pot Ficus Plant v2

From “Pots in wicker” with 3 types of plants GP26:
[v3 Pot in wicker] Pothos Plant GP26

From “Pots Hanging ” with 3 types of plants GP27:
[v2 Pot Hanging] Pothos Flowers Orchid GP27

From “Pots Banana Plant” 3 types GP33:
~GP33 Banana Pot v1
~GP33 Banana Pot v3

From “Pots Ficus benjamina Plant” 3 types – Terracotta GP35.t or Shabby GP35.s:
[v2 Ficus benjamina] Pot Plant Shabby Pot Plant GP35.s
[v3 Ficus benjamina] Pot Plant Shabby Pot Plant GP35.s

~Cats Stretching Sf8

I unlinked and used two of the vases from .:Tm:.Creation [The garden shelves] Pot flowers & Decors Scene GP28
In-World Store

Candle & Cauldron
{C&C} Fireplace Fire – Med
In-World Store

My scene is set inside
Serenity Style – The Lost Time Backdrop
In-World Store