Seaside Picnic

.:Tm:.Creation “Spring Bike” Garden Scene GP18
Exclusive for The Liaison Collaborative Event (Open 3th (3PM SLT) to 26th March, 2019)
10% Discount
Taxi Liaison Collaborative/152/129/23″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>…
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after 27th March, 2019
.:Tm:.Creation “I Need You” Picnic Scene with anims. S33
Exclusive for Tres Chic Event (Open 17th February, 12pm SLT to 10th March, 2019)
10% Discount
TAXI″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after 11th March, 2019
Additionally from .:Tm:.Creation
~S34 arbor_curtain only – from S34 The Arbor PG Pergola w/ flowers which is presently available at The Trunk Show
Taxi” rel=”noreferrer nofollow”> Fashion/160/170/1501
Tropical Palm Trees Double Hanalj v.P30 CM
Myola Bottle Palm Tree Tropical v1-MT 2
64m Rocks Barrier Curve OFFSIM Waves Foam Sound-45text-v6.1
~Wild Grass Pink Flowers v1 GP16
InWorld Store Paraiso1/90/128/23″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>
Marketplace″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>
Marketplace:″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>
My avatar is wearing an outfit from MOoH!
MOoH! Maddy outfit Dawn top
This weeks group discount is this lovely top in 26 colors for 50% discount, which is just 99L. Feb 22 – March 7 in the main store. Wear your tag.
MOoH! Tammy shorts Grey w Hud
InWorld Store:″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>
Marketplace:″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>
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